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Why We Need to Protect the Oceans

By: Genevieve Anning

There is about 12 million tons of plastic getting dumped into our oceans each year. Plastic is traveling to all corners of the world, and is even getting frozen in ice. The fish then eat this plastic and when we go to cook the fish, we will eat the plastic that the fish digested. We also need to protect the oceans because there is still so much we don't know about it. We have only mapped about 5% of the ocean floor, so there could be more life out there. Oceans also home to a lot of seafood that people eat. If we destroy the oceans then we won't have any more seafood. Many medicines come from the ocean as well that can help fight cancer, arthritis, and heart disease. The U.S. also trades with other countries using ships. People now can't enjoy a fun day at the beach with out find a plastic bottle, and if you swim in the ocean it could cause you to have a stomach ache or a rash. About 70% of the air we breathe come from marine plants. But, we can still help to save our oceans. You can do this by using fewer plastic products, buying ocean friendly products, use little fertilizer, and be careful when boating.

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