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John Wick :by Tyler

John Wick is a Franchise the shows a retired hit man by the name of John Wick. He gave up the life of killing to get married with is wife that sadly died after. A week after he got a dog that was a present from his wife because she knew she was sick and did not know when she would go. i don't know how long he had his puppy a kid that goes by the name Iosef Tarasov see John Wick and his car and ask John for the car. He refuses and later that night they break in beat up john wick and kill his dog and steals his car.

(Spoiler Alert!) John wick has three movies now. The third one came out lats Friday the second and first one came out 2017 and 2014. The first john wick was about is wife dying then a Russian billionaire son killed his dog and stole his car so he hunted the son and father. The second was when he kills the fathers brother then this Indian guy go'es and blows up his house and John Wick kills him on continental ground so he get excommunicado. The third one is when he is one the run from the world because he has a 14 million dollar contract on him.

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