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The Great Mahele by Anthony Hull

It a started with Kamehameha the III King of Hawaii who made the great Mahele. Which was a land division act before this land was broken up into ahupua’a lead by a kind of chief kind of like a feudal system. But the great Mahele got rid of that and allowed private ownership which the common Hawaiian could not afford but the average white family could and to do so you had to be literate,pay a fee,and survey the land you were gonna buy. Which most Hawaiians could not do but do you know who can the average white family and less than 1 percent went to Hawaiians and ⅔ to sugar plantations the rest was owned by those average white families we were talking about. And all those new people accidentally bought in rats which was wreaking havoc on the Hawaiian economy so quickly without thinking the imported mongooses from Jamaica and so it’s do right problem solved no because they forgot that rats are nocturnal which mongooses are not so the only thing that happened was the mongooses killed the native species even making two bird species extinct.But back to the land thing parliament got fed up and over though the monarchy and later the US had other places to grow sugar that they owned so they said sorry don’t need you anymore bye. And Hawaii's economy was bad again so to prove themselves they applied for annexation and got it in 1959.

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