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Story Sqwaks

Here you will find the Creative Corner of our Talking Hawks! Every week, we read and vote on the best creative piece for that week! A new piece will be featured here every week! 

The Island - by Isaac C. 

          Sometimes at dusk we would see him come out from the hidden interior of his island. For years we had no idea who he was or what he did until he appeared in front of us after a blinding flash. I was sitting on a hill, and my whole world went white before I saw an outline of a man. My friends all ran, but I was enthralled by the mystery of what caused the flash. This was the man that lived on the island, who happened to be the center of many scary legends. I ran through these legends in my head as he approached, “He is a serial killer who kills little kids. I had a little brother named Oliver, but he never came off the island.” Another popular one was, “He was a detective that had a high temper and went insane after a criminal wouldn’t crack. Now he believes that all kids are criminals, and he interrogates them on his island.” The man was getting closer and closer to me, and I was trying to decide if I should run. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins, and I had decided to stay and see if he noticed me. I scrambled behind a rock, and waited. He stuttered towards me, and he was mumbling to himself, “ How did I mess up my formula? How do I get back to the island?” I felt an itch on my nose, and I tried not to sneeze. The urge to sneeze was too strong, and I blew my cover. The man was just as surprised as I was, and when he found me hiding he asked, “ What did you hear? How long have you been there?” I got up, brushed myself off, and started to stutter because fear overtook me, “ I-I heard s-s-something about y-you and t-t-the island. T-T-There was a b-b-blinding f-flash and I was th-th-thrown back. I saw y-you after the b-b-blinding flash.” He looked at me like I was from another planet. He said, “ Get it together, and come with me to my island.” Soon, a boat appeared out of nowhere. This boat would bring me to the beginning of a new life. I followed the man onto the boat, and he started the motor. He steered the boat straight to island, not wasting any time. He hopped off the boat, and said, “Do you live around here?”. I replied, “Yes, I live in the blue house right over there.” I pointed at my house, and he nodded his head. “You will be able to call your parents, and tell them that you were selected to live on the island.” He stated this in a robotic voice, almost as he said this 1,000 times. He thrust his hands outward, and I was blinded by all the flashing lights. Soon, I would learn that he was a superhero and this was his lair. It looked like an arcade, with all the flashing lights. This was all of his crime-fighting technology. It was as if I was getting a premium tour of The Batcave. At the time, it was the best experience of my life. I would soon learn that he had Artificial Intelligence built into the island, so there was always someone able to help me. The A.I. system was the one who helped me pick out my superhero outfit, which came with the best gear. This saved me from the death-defying situations that the A.I. put me through at a random time throughout the day. The day I first saw the superhero, he was attempting his new teleportation system. I was the one that figured out his mistake, and I became the hero’s sidekick for the next 5 years. One day, exactly six years after I discovered the man, he began to feel ill. Over the course of the next week, he only got worse. On the fourteenth day, the man slowly whispered to me, “You must continue creating superheroes. Carry on my legacy, and you will soon make your own.” Those were his last words. I began to protect the city, and recruit kids from the neighborhood. I perfected the man’s formulas, and I continued to create superheroes. In the end, the old man was right. I had created my own legacy, and I hoped the next generation would do the same.

Tree House Time Machine by Isaac C. 

He pointed me toward the opening in the tree. “ I sure you’ll be pleased. It’s surprisingly large once you get inside.” I started for the tree, and I circled it to make sure it was the real deal. I walked back to the front and shook hands with the man. “Thank you for making this happen. Now I will be able to go anywhere in the world.” This tree was the time machine ever. I had been working on a formula for 29 years, and I finally perfected it. Then, I needed funds for the project to be a success. I played the lottery for 2 years, and one night I got lucky. I won the jackpot of $225 million. I hired the best architect in the nation, which happened to be the man I was shaking hands with this very second. I hired him to build a tree near my favorite river, the Colorado River. I live in the state of Arizona, but with this technology I can travel to New York with the push of a button. I have always wanted to travel the world, without paying the fee of an airliner. This is revolutionary technology, and it could change the world. It could give food to countries all over the world, or it could take armies anywhere they needed to go. I could either sell this technology, or I could use it to help the entire world. I could travel anywhere and anonymously make people’s lives better. I could use this and travel anywhere I wanted, or I could sell this to the government. I could make this a time travel machine, and go anywhere in any time period I wanted. What would you do with this technology?

The Adventures of Peter part 2 by Rudy H. 

The box. The door. The crumbling brick. It begged me to enter. I then completely ignored the instinct and walked away, ending an entire adventure of danger and death.

The End 
… okay. Are you gone yet? No? … man, you must really want to hear my story… well you aren't going to get one. Leave………. I said LEAVE!! … Please? Ughh fine, but don’t say i didn't warn you…

When i opened the door, i was transported to a world of light. It was full of gold, silver and other shiny things. I looked down (mostly to shield my eyes) and realised that I was standing on a cloud. Now, here's a thing you need to know about me. I’m more cowardly than a rat in a snake pit, so the second i felt the arm on my shoulder, I jumped 5 feet in the air (figuratively speaking, of course.). I turned around slowly, like it was one of those movies where the arm touching the kid was someone they knew, or something. So it was pretty anticlimactic when nothing was there.
After that strange moment, i looked around for the door to was gone. “Well then,” I said in a surprisingly calm voice, “guess i’m going to be here for the rest of my life.

The end. (Until Next Time)

How I Became A Superhero by Madeline G. 

     It took 13 years for my powers to show up. At midnight on my thirteenth birthday a jolt woke me up and everything was different. My whole body was glowing. I tried to scream but nothing would come out of my mouth. I was confused and scared at the same time. Then, all of a sudden the glowing stopped. But I felt different. I felt powerful, almost like I could lift the Earth. Maybe I could. Then I remembered something, i was finally 13 years old. I had been waiting for this. But now it didn’t seem so cool, mostly because i was just glowing. Then, it all came to me. My parents were superheros and my older brother and sister. But they never told me when I would become one. So maybe this was when I did. I hope I get a cool costume like they have. I hope I can fly, have superspeed, lift super heavy things, read minds. I am going to save the world one day.

      The next day. I woke up excited because I was finally a superhero. When I went downstairs I got a huge breakfast and presents. I even got a cool cape and costume. I got a new high tech computer to help with tracking bad guys. I was all ready to become a superhero. But, then my parents told me that I would have to complete training first. I was sad at first. But then I was excited because I did not care I was finally a superhero. My training took me 1 month to finish. But ever since that day I completed it I have been a real life superhero. Now I fight bad guys and save the world with my family.

The Monster Under the Bed - By Eliana K. 

“In the dark of the night, evil will find her!”


I watched my t.v screen in interest, one of my favorite Disney movies, Anastasia, playing. I hummed along to the song that he sang as I then felt my bed creak. Of course I thought nothing of it, my bed was fairly old and it used to be my older sisters bed twenty years ago. It was nearing the end of the song as I felt it again but this time curiosity struck me. I dared to peek under my bed and what I saw made me jump, making me fall on the floor with a thump. I held my head to try and stop the throbbing pain before looking back over at the dark shadow under my bed. Four golden yellow eyes watched me in interest. I would’ve ran out of my room but they seemed almost hypnotic as the monster came out from under. I expected something huge and frightening seemed almost the opposite.


It was a small dog like creature with black and dark purple fur. Its tail was long and its bright golden eyes stood out against the darkness.




“Wau, that’s my name, it means firefly.”


I was startled. How was this monster talking? And why were they talking rather nice? Questions raced in my head as I watched the sneering creature. It wasn’t long until I learned what they wanted from me. It was a good deal yet it had a consequence. I would no longer get sick, I’m almost immune but the monster brought their consequence.. Slowly but surely I was haunted by them and it was hard to eat without feeling horrible. They stay on my shoulders, forever haunting me. Others couldn’t see them, but I could..


No one believes me, they think I’m lying. But it’s true, there’s is a monster from under my bed and I think I can prove it..

The Monster Under Your Bed - By Blayke B. 

No one believed me. They think I’m lying. But it’s really true, a big hairy monster lives under my bed and I can prove it. I gave it a nickname, HAIRY POTTER. It has huge claws and I think it wants to come out. It was night time anyways and I’ve had nightmares about it. I’m pretty sure it’s a boy, but I’m not for sure. It was about 3 AM and everyone knows bad things happen at that time. I turned the lights off and pretended I was asleep and the monster came out from under the bed. I quickly grabbed my phone and took a picture with the flash on. It made a loud sound and feel out the window taking my wall with it. It ran away and my parents went out and slept with me in the living room. The next day, I went to my room and saw something under my bed. It was hairy. Then it came out and it was just my dog Pluto. An hour later, we stayed at my grandparents house while our house got fixed. At least I have a picture of the monster to show my friends.

Future Teller - By Brett C. 

My name is Bob Wallace and I am the Future Teller, at least that’s my secret identity. Really I am just a average teenager that was gifted the responsibility of telling the future, yeah, most people would call it a gift , but usually you want a gift, and I don’t want the ability to tell the future. Enough about my opinion, the weirdest thing happened yesterday, I was trying to tell this person their future, but I couldn’t, it was like their future was blocked, so I did some research on this person and they weren’t on any of our databases, and I had the impression that I was losing my powers, until I  thought that maybe the reason that I couldn’t tell his future was because he was like me, he had the same power, and maybe there was more out there.

Qunauticis by Ella H. 

My name is Amatheia and I'm a Mermaid. I live in Qunauticis and so do 25,000 other Mermaids and Mermen. Every other mermaid thinks me and my sister, Aquata, are weird because we’ve lived in a shipwreck since we were 4; We're 17 now, and they still make fun of us for living in a shipwreck. Everyone else either lives in a cave that is beautiful or they live in a castle with their fancy sea sponge beds and their pet sea bunnies.


Aquata and I live in a shipwreck because our our parents died from humans who also live under water. Our mom fell in love with a human after our dad died. Our mom didn't want anyone knowing about her and the human because she could be banished from Qunautics for being with a human. The human told Queen Ondina that our mom loved them and she was banished and killed.


The humans hate Mermaids and Mermen. It all started when the Queen of the sea "Queen Ondina" went to the humans to tell them to move somewhere else because they were in middle of everyone's homes and at 12:00 at night they would blast this horrible thing called "music".


Every Mermaid and Merman couldn’t sleep at night so the humans were forced to move or they would be banished from Qunauticis. The humans are a lot different from us they need "Air" to breathe and they live in these huge submarines that make a lot of noise. Every once in a while they have to go outside of their homes and switch out this thing called an "air tank" apparently if they don't switch it out they could die.


The humans also eat fish but everyone knows "Fish are friends NOT food!" The humans go out in these suits and trap a lot of fish in a net. The humans also cook the fish with "Fire". Humans are absolutely horrible they eat fish, they play "music", they have these things called "phones" and "laptops". The humans came from land they had to move underwater because their land was taken over by aliens ugh aliens are the worst, they eat all our food, they kill our pets, and they break in our homes and steal our things.


The humans go to school too but they have to learn in the huge submarines. They learn science, math, reading, and social studies it sounds really boring. Mermaids learn about magic, spells, and potions and all of these different sea creatures.


Sometimes I feel bad for the humans because they can die really easily and they don't get to do as many things as us. They have to stay in their submarines all day. all of the submarines are connected so they don't have to wear the suits all the time. I just wish I could help the humans so they can be safer.

The Alien Invasion of 2034 (almost 2035) by Brett C. 

In late 2034, or New Years Eve to be exact, I was watching the news with my family, because of the ball drop happening in New York, and I live in Los Angeles, California, so the time was different than in New York. Almost exactly as the ball hit the ground the power went out after seeing a glimpse of a UFO. My family and I were confused, at first we thought it was planned and the UFO was fake, but then we heard something different, almost like a space shuttle, and that was almost exactly what it was. The only difference was that it was even more than I imagined. It was huge bigger than my house and then it hit me that if we are going to survive we need to take it  to a nuclear level, so I decided it was time to bust out my underground lair. In my underground lair I have protection suits and weapons, I also have control of the US satellites, which gives me full access to the web. I decided that I would need a team, so I decided I would save the world with my family by my side. My family was very surprised and confused about what was going on, so I briefly caught them up and then we went off, beat the aliens as a team, and saved the world.

Data File #1 by jade s.

Name: -------------------------------------

Known name: apocalypse man

age: 20

dob: 5/4/98

height: 5'9

description: man with ragged looking black cloak and a gas mask

family: no known ancestry. Has 3 friends: seline d. yon, scott l. and, bobbio


why we need information on this subject: He has been in cryostasis for 50 years and has survived. he's survived with little food and water. he has had many people try to kill him and survived saying he feels fine. we think it is a side effect of the cryostasis. 


now we are going to play a recording that we have taken of our subject and put it into text. 


apocalypse man: once upon a time in a far away land, there lived a man named 'apocolypse man.' he lived with his three friends. one day, he was looking around for some scrap metal, and found a cool looking mask on the ground. apocalypse man then picked up the mask and found a flower. after he put the flower in a flower pot, a dragon appeared. apocalypse man then ran away, and the dragon followed. suddenly the dragon fell dead. when apocalypse man went to inspect the body, the dragon had stepped on the flower. the flower was the thing that killed the dragon. then apocalypse man lived another day. happily ever after. the end. 


seline d. yon: what was that story? 

Apocalypse man: h-hey I worked hard on it! 



Bearus Disease by Griffin


My name is Kevin. I am 13 years old. If you have this journal, you're welcome. 


Day 1

There were no more adults left so my brother sister and I all gathered kids around Smithville,  Montana. We contacted kids in the county and they said their adults disappeared to.


Day 2

We all went to the middle school and discussed our options. Here is what we decided to do:

  • Have guard rotations

  • Ration our food

  • Stay in contact with other schools

Day 3

We were on the picnic table eating when Mike yelled "AHHHH RUN!" as hundreds of deer and bear charged us. The odd thing was--they were wearing clothes. Guards rushed to stop them but we were no match. As us older ones fought with our lives,we told the younger one to save themselves and run. One by one we were dying, until we heard it. Airplanes flying above. The bears and deer ran away. We all cheered. They dropped parachutes. What was in the parachutes gave us a shock. It was a video. It went like this: 

"Hello this is George Hammilen, the president of the United Defense of Interna Problems. You have been quarentined because you have the most dangerous disease known to man: Adult Bearus Disease. All males over the age of 16 turn into bears, and all females over the age of 16 turn into deer. The only way to stop the disease is to blow up the area to contain it. Good bye, and God bless."


Then everything went black

Solitary Confinement by Ian Conrad

             When I stepped outside the world smelled like nothing because that’s the way it is in space. No air, no water, no smells, no food, no sensations whatsoever, except the feel of my spacesuit on my skin. But, still I have to go outside of the space station I was stationed at (Pun Intended) to do check ups on the outside solar panels that power my space station, after all no energy no air, no air no life and I honestly prefer to be alive. After all the living get all the cool stuff to do, we have xboxes, PS4s, computers, phones, everything that I don’t think the dead get, but I wouldn’t know after all I’m still alive and that’s how I would like it to stay for now. Anywho I’m deterring from my work, I thought. I went to go check up on the solar panels attached to my space station and found them perfectly intact like every day or night, or week, or month, or year, or decades that I’ve been up here with no way to get down until someone is nice enough to come collect me from my solitary confinement in outer space. Then I spotted something in the sky coming straight for me, at first I thought my sentence in outer space was finally over, but then I saw that this object was most definitely not friendly whatsoever. So, I ran...I mean flew...maybe floated? Sure, I floated through the air...I mean space to get away from whatever that Unidentified flying object was. It was going so fast that it was a ball of fire coming straight for my space cell, and if it destroyed that i would be stuck in space, probably forever and ever and ever, until someone or no one found my space suit. It was flying towards me still and soon I saw that whatever it was it was BIG, I mean it put the b the I and the g in big, that’s just how big this ‘thing’ was. Soon it caught up to me after passing by my space cell and came straight after me and then finally, when I thought I was a goner it stopped as if hit by an invisible wall. One minute it was so fast I could barely…..float fast enough to get away and the next It was just stopped. Then something flew out of its hull and landed on my space cell and the next thing I knew there was no space cell, it just wasn’t there anymore. As if it had never existed it was just gone and the space thingy flew away for some reason. Leaving me to die, alone with no one even to record my will. That was annoying, I thought. I mean after all I was going to die so what else could I think to think of saying. There was no air so it’s not like I could, you know, talk at all, or even fly….I mean float away. Welp this is the end, I thought. And it surely was so goodbye friends of my imagination it was fun thinking that I was talking to someone, I mean after all 60 years of imprisonment in space really makes you feel lonely. The End (I guess I mean I have no clue how to get out of here, I mean it’s space).

Netflix and Pumpkins by Bradley A. 

You'll never believe me, but I swear it's true. I was just sitting on my couch, minding my own business watching some Netflix and a pumpkin just rammed through my door. I think he is the twin of the kool-aid guy that says "Oh yeah!" Anyways, he just came on in and started trying to eat me. I think he thinks I'm the guy that stole his girlfriend, but that was this guy named Bob and yeah, you get the point. Ok, back to the kool-aid guys twin: he's chasing me around trying to eat me and he couldn't catch me because, you know, he's a pumpkin and they're fat. He called for back up and here came these skeletons with chainsaws and the scariest of all--here comes his big brother: the kool-aid guy! Then they eventually caught me and put me in kool-aid guy's jar but I just drank his kool-aid and escaped so they just gave up. So, I went back to watching Netflix. 


P.S. Bob didn't steal his girlfriend, it was actually me.  

Apocalypse Man by Jade S. 

Day 1.

The year was 2069. I had woken up to find the world turned into a wasteland. I think hid behind a wall, as I saw huge creatures in the distance. I think saw a cloak and a gas mask. I picked it up and put it on. Write to you later...if I make it...


Day 4.

I found a place to stay: a broken down mobile home with a bunker under it. It is actually a great place. It has food, water, medicine, and a radio active bug...That's nice. Anyway, I've got a lot of people to save. Oh yeah, I forgot that a dog ate days 2 and 3, so...What happened was enough for one paragraph...Even more! Day 2 was scary. Gangs tried to kill me, dogs ate my journals, plus another gang WITH dogs tried to kill AND eat me. Not the best of days. Day 3 was when I started to save people. I collected some scrap metal that I could make some stuff with. But as I was going home, I heard a loud scream. Not the one you hear when there is an explosion. As I got closer, I saw a huge beast and a human! I knew I had to save her, so I shouted "Hey! Come here!" Wasn't the best plan, since the beast came running. 

As I was running, I dropped a piece of scrap metal. Then, the beast stopped and looked at it. I then knew what to do...take it home and tame it with scrap metal. I went over to it and slowly placed the metal down. The beast then looked at it, then me. I then went "How to Train Your Dragon" and went to touch its nose thing. And after that, I rode the beast to the woman, and took her to her home. She said that she hoped to see me again. She also gave me a name I will keep: Apocalypse Man. 


P.S. There's no place like the apocalypse. 

The Masked Man by Beau 

Once upon a time, there was a masked man that had a spell set on him when he was a child: if he took the mask off, he would be killed. The mast wasn't just any ordinary mask; it was the mask of the witch who cursed him. The only way to break the spell would be to find the most deadly flower ever made: the "Dragondi flower." It wasn't just "go find a flower," the flower was guarded by a fire-breathing dragon--the flower's creator. The dragon was guarding it because it was the last of the Dragondi flowers. So the masked man set out to fight the dragon. When he came to the end of the treeline -- there it was! The Dragondi flower. The dragon was nowhere to be seen, but all of the sudden there was a loud crash and there was the dragon. It was an epic battle and it seemed to be over for the masked man when all of a sudden a burst of adrenaline kicked in and he killed the mighty dragon. He went over to the Dragondi flower and picked it up--which would have killed the average man; the mask crumbled into a million pieces and the masked man was no longer masked. 

The End. 


Review of Splatphone by Eliana Kleinkort

This phone is horrible! The Splatphone sows the wrong images when I try to take pictures of my art to share to my older sister. It's not blurry, but it's rather disoriented and laggy. Once I get a somewhat decent picture, the internet won't connect! It always has an error screen giving the developers number to get help. And that's just the beginning of it. The Splatphone got worse when I tried plugging earbuds in. Instead of keeping in the music, it played on speaker! It alerted the teacher and made me get detention...twice!

But the thing that outsmarts it all is stupid...homework! I witnessed this during math when Miss Reinhert noticed my phone out. She was about to take it when it ate ALL of the homework in her hand. I do not recommend this phone and please make sure you hide your homework! 


The Cover Up - By Bradley A. 

People are always saying things about how my aunt’s house is by far the strangest house that they’ve ever seen… the thing is, they don’t know even the beginning of how strange it really is. I will admit, her house is really strange on the outside but the inside, it is beyond strange. Calling it strange is an understatement. The walls are covered with kreepy portraits of her cat, the doors are made of concrete, and ceiling is painted yellow, YELLOW! But wait, there is more… The windows are made of… wait there are no windows, and the floor is made of quicksand, and the furniture… wait the floor swallowed it. The ultimate weird about the house is that to get to the next level you have to climb a fire pole. As you can see her house is really weird. 

The End

Sike, the house is very strange but the strangeness of the house is just a cover up for the cool basement. In the basement there is any game you can think of, ping-pong, pool, air hockey, etc. There is a whole room dedicated to Cardinals props. Signed baseballs, signed bats, dirt from the field, etc. There is a waterpark, a go kart track, and a hot tub. So, next time you see my aunt’s house and so to yourself, “That is weird,” just remember, that is the coverup.

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