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Why not getting vaccinated is harmful BY:Tyce

In this day in age we have people that think we don't need vaccines even though they have helped us reduce diseases drastically. Some people think that vaccines can cause harm to people because they read a post on Facebook about it but vaccines cause less harm than they think. The CDC made a post on there website about how diseases that we have vaccines for have been coming back and if people don't get vaccinated people who can't get vaccinated because of medical reasons will die because of the diseases. People who don't get there kids vaccinated use different types of oils to help there kids, but there has been no evidence that supports the claim that oils can prevent diseases. Sometimes parents give there kids mercury and this is vary harmful, vaccines do contain mercury but it is such a small amount that it isn't harmful to people. People who tell you not to get vaccinated create these movies that try and scare people and make them trust the people who don't want them to get vaccinated.

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