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Why Mrs. Fritz Is My Favorite Teacher By: Brooklyn Howard

My favorite teacher was Mrs. Fritz because she was my Kindergarten teacher. She was my favorite teacher because she was always there for me when I needed it! Like when I would get in trouble at home I would tell her about it and she would talk to me about it, kinda like she would tell me what I should do next time to not get in trouble. I actually took her advice and I started to not get in trouble anymore.

I don't think I ever got in trouble in her class except just a few times. In my opinion, Mrs. Fritz is an awesome teacher. She is very very pretty. When I was going into kindergarten I actually was hoping I would've got Mrs. Fritz as a teacher. She is a very chill and calm teacher. I would go to her about anything and everything. To this day still I would talk to her if I seen her. I'm not sure if she remembers me but I still remember her! I don't think there is really anything that I disliked about her. To be honest, I wish next year when I go into 8th grade she could be an 8th grade teacher. When I was in kindergarten I really looked up to her and I kinda still do! I think everyone should look up to her because you can really learn a lot from her. Just know if you are nice to her she will be nice to you. She will treat you with as much as respect that you treat her! She is not the type to yell a lot unless you really make her mad. Other than that she is super sweet!

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