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Why I Love Summer:by Abby Judd

I love summer because its a time where you can enjoy nature and have fun. Since the summer is warm you can hangout with friends all of the time. Unlike winter when its cold, in summer there are many fun activities to do. Some fun things to do and go to in this season are... You can go to the zoo, catch fireflies, go canoeing, go camping, go to the drive-in movies, and have pool parties.

Another top reason that I like summer the best is because lots of flowers bloom in this time of the year. Some of the prettiest flowers (in my opinion) are bell flowers, daisies, delphiniums, peony, and marigolds. Also summer is the best because you can wear shorts and in my opinion shorts are the best. Summer is way better than winter because you can go swimming, suntanning, and go to the beaches and everything!

Also in summer you can do more things outside like for example, you are not cooped up in the house because its warm out and not cold, and you can have a lot of parties in the summer. In winter you get sick a lot but in summer you barely get sick. In the summer its basically just allergies. As you can see this is my opinion on why I love summer!

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