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Why Hippopotamuses Are The Most Dangerous Animal By:Marissa Johnson

I think that hippopotamuses are the most dangerous because I when to a zoo and saw a hippopotamus and when they were eating the animal they were very aggressive. I have also seen some shows about nature and I saw hippos and they were very aggressive and unpredictable. Hippos have an instinct that they are being harmed so they just attack.

They are very protective of there babies and there territory.

They are also threatened by there wan't of meat, their teeth, and habitat loss. Hippos can use there weight to attack people because of how heavy they are. Males on average weigh 3,300 – 4,000 lbs and females on average weigh 2,900 – 3,300 lbs.

Hippos don't eat people but, they have been reported to be attacking boats which kill the people. Also small boats are capsized by hippos. Hippos only eat plants and other animals but, they hurt people when they feel harmed.

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