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Why Callie is the better Squid Sister by: Kayson E.

Callie is the better squid sister in my opinion. I have good reasons for this statement.

Callie *aka the better squid sister*

Callie is part of a news show in Inkopolis with her cousin Marie. So why do I believe that Callie is better than her cousin? Well it is surprisingly simple. First off Callie has won 9 splatfests out of the 15 splatfests. That is over half of them! Which means her cousin Marie has won 6. So there is one reason she is superior. The second reason is of her personality. Callie has more of a cheerful, blithe personality unlike Marie who has more of a mean personality. Callie loves to torment her cousin with terrible puns like I do with my family. Eh? What the why is there a bug here it is BUG-ging me a lot! *insert laugh track here.* Another reason I would love to point out is that Callie is the one who gets captured by the octoling army in Splatoon 2. Why would the octolings want to capture Callie if she is not the better squid sister HMM? Maybe to steal her song but I don't know.

Marie *aka not the better squid sister*

The Squid Sisters are not only a famous news channel they make music as well! Each of them have their own solo song Callie's song being "Bomb Rush Blush" and Marie's song being "Tidal Rush." So yes this good but which is better? My opinion is Callie's song but it is okay if you like Marie's song. Actually it is okay if you like Marie I just like Callie more please don't hurt me.

The squid sisters side-by-side.

Well there you have it my opinion of who is the better squid sister. Well I am out of here and as always "staaaay fresh!"

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