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Who Is Usain Bolt

Usain Bolt is a Olympic sprinter that is known to be the fastest man on Earth. He was born on August 21, 1986 in Trelawny, Jamaica. His parents are Jenifer and Wellesley Bolt and he has two brothers Sadeeki and Sheríne. In his free time he would love to play cricket and football with his brothers. When he was little he was very fit and healthy. He stood out a lot by how fast he ran. When he was 12 he became the fastest runner in his school at 100 meters level. Bolt won his first gold medal in high school. He had the opportunity to The Junior World Athletics Championship in 2002 which took place in Kingston, Jamaica, when he was only 15 years old. He won the 200m compaction with a time of 20.61 seconds, this victory established him as the youngest to achieve a gold medal in the junior category. When he was a little bit older he went to the Olympics. He won 3 gold medals at the 2008 Beijing, China Olympics becoming the first man in Olympic history to win both the 100 meter and 200 meter races in record times. Bolt also won three Olympic gold medals at the 2012 Summer Olympic

Games in London. Bolt run a 9.63(seconds) in the 100 meter race being the new Olympic record. That made him the first man in history to set three world records in Olympic competition. Usain made history again in the 2016 Rio Olympics when he won three gold medals in the 100 meter and 200 meter race and 4x100 meter relay, completing a "triple-triple," earning three gold medals at three consecutive Olympics for 9 gold medals in his Olympic career. He made a world record of 9.58 seconds for the 100m race with a top speed clocking in at 27.8 miles per hour between

meters 60 and 80 with an average speed of 23.5 mph at the Berlin 2009 World Championships. In the 2017 Olympics he faced lots of challenges. He got third place in the 100 meter race and he struggled to end in the 4x100 meter relay. Many people believed that would be Bolt's final race. He collapsed from a hamstring injury and had to cross the finish line with the help of his teammates. Usain Bolt had talked about making a career in soccer. So in August 2017 following his retirement from track and field he planned to join Manchester United for a charity game against Barcelona, but he had to miss the match due to his hamstring injury. Then he got into writing for a little bit an he published a memoir "My Story: 9:58: The World’s Fastest Man" in 2010, which was reissued two years later as "The Fastest Man Alive: The True Story of Usain Bolt."

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