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What I Plan To Do This Summer By:Marissa Johnson

This summer I have a bucket list on what to do this summer. The first thing that I want to do the most is go to The State Far and ride all the rides. Also, i'm going to The Dan + Shay concert with two of my bestfriends. I'm going on my boat to with my friends and we are going to go tubing and swimming then after we are going to eat and come to my house and we can have a sleepover. I'm going on my boat like all summer and going swimming in my pool. When I go on my boat i'm having one of my friends come and when we go tubing we get to pick what on we go on because I have three to pick from. I'm going to try to get my backflip on the trampoline this summer.

When summer is here i'm going to be so happy because I get to have fun. Since my house is clean we don't have to clean it this summer tell in gets a mess again but, because it's not a mess right now I get to have a friend over. My most thing that I am excited for is the water in summer that's all I do is play in the water like a go to Knights Action Park, go on my boat, and go swimming in my pool.Also, my Grandma has a picnic every year and i'm very excited to go. I get to have some family down and we are going to go swimming and jump on my trampoline and have and fun time. Then, at night we are going to have snacks with a fire and music.

I have a supper long bucket list but, I picked the ones I wanted to do the most out of all the things I wanted to do this summer.

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