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Wendigo by Anthony Hull

Updated: Apr 4, 2019

In Algonquian folklore, the Wendigo or Windigo is a mythical man-eating creature or evil spirit native to the northern forests of the Atlantic Coast and Great Lakes Region of the United States and Canada. A creature that was once human but was transformed into an immortal evil spirit when it took up the practice of cannibalism. Wendigos are cursed to wander the land, eternally seeking to fulfill their voracious appetite for human flesh Various Native American tribes tell slightly different stories about this creature and refer to it by different names – Wendigo, Witigo, Witiko and Wee-Tee-Go – but each version roughly translates to mean the evil spirit that devours mankind Wendigos are believed to live in the northern woods of Minnesota and in the north central regions of Canada. Kenora, Ontario, Canada, has been given the title of Wendigo Capital of the World by many. Sightings of the creature in this area have continued well into the new millennium. Wendigos are generally rumored to be gigantic spirits, over fifteen feet tall, lanky and with glowing eyes, long yellowed fangs, terrible claws and overly long tongues. Sometimes they are said to have a sallow, yellowish skin; other times they are described as being matted with hair. The Wendigo's full powers have never been recorded. The creature excels at stealth and is a near-perfect hunter, knowing and using every inch of its territory caves, hills, trees and bushes. Some stories posit that Wendigos can control the weather through the use of dark magic. abilities claws- A wendigo has long claws which they use to slash their prey.Enhanced senses - Wendigos have enhanced senses of smell and hearing, as well as the ability to hunt in complete darkness. Immortality - With the continued consumption of human flesh and their ability to hibernate, a wendigo can theoretically live forever. Superhuman strength and speed - The consumption of human flesh gives a wendigo the ability to tear humans limb from limb as well as incredible speed, making them incredibly stealth hunters. Voice mimicry - Wendigos can imitate human voices to lure prey

weaknesses fire-burning a wendigo is the only known way to effectively kill one Anasazi symbols a protective circle of Anasazi symbols can keep a wendigo at bay Silver - A wendigo can be injured by silver-tipped bows and arrows, but they are ineffective as a means of killing one.

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