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By: Grace Barnes

I think the game of volleyball is fun because you can play with you friends and it keeps you in good shape. My favorite position in volleyball is the outside hitter. Some warm-ups that we do for that certain position are push-ups, pull-ups, and peppering. In volleyball, you can get an ace, a kill, a pass kill, and a block. An ace is when you serve the ball to the other side and it hits the floor before the other team touches it. When that happens, you get to reserve until the other team scores a point.

The rules of volleyball are really simple:

-Only six players on the court at a time

-Maximum of 3 hits per side

-The ball cannot be played off the net after a missed serve

-You get points when the other team hits the ball out of bounds or hits the ball more than 3 times on their side.

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