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Tokyo Ghoul BY: Tyce

Tokyo Ghoul is a manga and a anime it also has a live action movie. The manga was released in September 8, 2011 and was finished September 18, 2014. There was also a spin off manga that came out in October 2014 and there are still new books coming out. The story behind Tokyo Ghoul is that in Japan, there are creatures that look like humans but they have things called RC cells these cell can harden and are compared to teeth but they flow like blood when they aren't in use. The ghouls use these cells to hunt but with ghouls they cant eat human food they have to eat humans or they will starve to death, ghouls also are stronger than humans and can also heal faster so they are higher on the food chain. Their is a privet police that the government uses to kill these ghoul these people are called the CCG the CCG uses special weapons to kill the ghouls. The are called quinque the weapons are made out of the RC cells that ghouls have. The CCG harvest the cells from ghouls and turn them into weapons and they are put into silver cases. The quinques are the only thing that can kill ghouls and the CCG are spread out all over Japan and they have the task of finding ghouls rating them and killing them, there are also a group in the CCG that are part ghoul and use the weapons that ghouls have to kill them this group is called quinx squad everyone in this group are part ghoul but have no craving for humans.

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