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Thirteen: The Best Character in My Hero Academia By: Jade Siemsen

This is Thirteen.

This is thirteen. The best hero, and character, in the anime "My Hero Academia". They're the best character because they're polite, passionate about saving people, and brave. In this post, I will be discussing why Thirteen is the best character.

First, Thirteen is polite because when they fought Ururaka and Aoyama, they stops using his quirk. His quirk is 'Black Hole', which is what he sucks up, turns into dust. He may have lost, but they protected the students.

Next, Thirteen is passionate about rescuing because he's not only a hero, but also wants to make a future full of good hero's. You can see this when you see that he's made a training area for the students.

Finally, Thirteen is brave because when the villains attacked, they protected the students. This shows why they are brave, passionate about rescuing people, and polite.

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