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The Story Of Red Dead Redemption 2-Bell

RDR 2 starts off in Chapter 1. You, Arthur Morgan, are in Grizzlies West after a snowstorm. The Van Der Linde gang, your gang, finds an old mining town and that is your camp. You have to help camp members and eventually you'll have to ambush an O'Driscoll camp. Micah Bell with find plans to a train heist and you can guess what happens after. Once Bill Williamson sets up dynamite on the tracks and attempts to blow them up, it fails. You, Javier Escuella, and Lenny Summers have to rob the train after jumping on it. Javier falls off and you have to save Lenny. Once you stop the train, the gang shows up and you rob it. After that mission, you go to Horseshoe Overlook, the new camp.

This leads you to Chapter 2. Again you go help the gang. You and Hosea Matthews go hunting for a legendary Grizzly in Grizzlies East. There are 16 Legendary animals. When you and Hosea get up to the spot, you fail to hunt the grizzly. You can chose to stay and hunt, or you could go back with Hosea.

( Legendary Bison Hunt)

After that, you, Javier, and Josiah Trelawny go get Sean Macquire from Blackwater. Later on, you and Jack Marston, John Marston and Abigail Marston's son go fishing and in the middle of that, Agent Milton and some men come and they have a bounty for Dutch Van Der Linde and they want you to bring him in. After that, you and your gang shoot up Valentine and kill a bunch of Agent Milton's men after Arthur gets tuberculosis. Then you go to Rhodes.

This is where Chapter 3 starts. Dutch asks you not to use weapons. You help the Grays which are the police. The Braithwaites are just a very wealthy family. They have had a rivalry for 50 years. You play a role with both but the other family doesn't. Sheriff Gray and Catherine Braithwaite HATE each other. Beau Gray and Penelope Braithwaite are secretly dating and later on in a game, you help them get out of Rhodes. (You get shot at). Continuing with story mode, you Dutch and another member have to steal horses and sell them to the horse fence for the Braithwaites. You, Bill, and 2 other people go back to Valentine to rob the bank. You get about $300.00 dollars. You and Sean go to the Braithwaites and torch the Gray's tobacco fields. A couple missions later, you and Hosea go sell Moonshine to the Braithwaites. they don't want it so you and Hosea go sell it at the Rhodes saloon. You get interrupted by some men in the bar and shoot out time. In another mission, Rhodes gets shot again up after Sean's death. He gets shot in the head with a shotgun. He gets buried by the camp. That shoot out leads you to Shad Belle.

Here is where Chapter 4 starts. Your gang goes to Saint Denis. You and Dutch go find Angelo Bronte. You can go ask 3 different people. After you go back to the bar, a guy tells you where to find Angelo. He kidnapped Jack from the Braithwaites. You go ask some kids and they take you down the street before 1 of them robs you. He gets on a wagon and a train. You steal someones horse and ride it for 30 seconds. The kid runs down an alley and trips you. You chase for another minute before you get your money back. You and john rob grave robbers before getting Jack back. Bronte tells you good places to rob and you rob them. After that, you and Dutch get a boat to attack Bronte. Your gang invades his house while killing a lot of men. When you get back to the swamp, Dutch drowns him and feeds him to a gator. Sadly, Hosea dies by Milton when you guys rob a bank. When you and the gang get on a roof, you and Lenny go ahead and Lenny dies too but before that, Dutch tells you they arrested John. You check on Lenny but you can't help. The remaining gang hide in an apartment and sneak out at night. You sneak around cops and get on a boat and leave. It catches on fire and you have to swim to Guarma.

That leads you to Chapter 5. This chapter was pointless but you can find 11 other animals. In the start, you get caught by Fussar's men and they take you in ankle cuffs and on your way, they get shot by unknown people and you have to take out the remaining. You help the gang get out of the cuffs and you take over a tiny part of their land. You and 3 other members of the original gang have a new hideout. you stay there for a month in game time. You do a mission where you get tranquilized and get taken by an unknown man but you escape and help other people. Javier also gets caught so you and Dutch have to rescue him, burning down a building distracts the enemy's. You try to take Javier quietly but it doesn't work. After killing a bunch of men, a few more missions happen. The main one that happens is you have to take out Fussar's men and blow up one of their ships and escape. When you get back to Lemoyne, where the game takes place, you go back to your old hideout. You have to search for the gang but they are at a place called Lakay.

Chapter 6 starts here and you have to kill a bunch of Milton's men. Once they retreat, you and Charles go to Beaver Hollow and search for a new hideout. you have to kill a bunch of Murfree Brood's and save a woman. You take her to Annesburg to her mother. Once you find the hideout, you go back to Saint Denis with Sadie but right before that mission, someone helps you to a doctor and this is when you find out about your tb. After you find out, you go with Sadie to a hot air balloon. You fly it yo the Sisika Penitentiary where John is located. You get shot at but at least you know where John is at. The person helping you fly the balloon gets shot in the arm and falls out of the balloon but this is when you help Sadie escape Pinkertons, a.k.a Milton's men. When you get to the prison, you and Sadie need to break John out. You do that killing a bunch of police. This is also the chapter where you meet Eagle Flies' father Rains Fall. You help him in a few missions. The main mission are some of the last ones. You help Dutch rob a train with the gang. While robbing the train, John falls off the train after a shot and Dutch said he would help John but he didn't. When you finish robbing a train, you start a new mission. The Pinkertons take Abigail and when you and Sadie kill all of them, Abigail shoots Agent Milton in the head but you find out Micah has been arranging the gangs deaths. The final mission, you and John have to kill a lot of Pinkertons and when you guys ride away on your horses, you eventually crash and your horse dies. When they crash, you can choose to go back for money or help John. No matter what you pick, Arthur dies this mission.

When Arthur dies, you play as John 8 years later. You take groceries to Pronghorn Ranch where John gets his new job. In this chapter, a.k.a the epilogue, you work on a ranch and in one of the missions, you work on a fence and after that, you have to capture an escaped bull. When you get him, all you get is a thanks. When you and Jack go into town to get mail, a man recognizes you and you get chased by 3 guys. When you pull over, you have to kill them and get back to the ranch quick. You and Abe, one of the workers go over and have to kill a bunch of guys because they stole your cows. Basically, you do a bunch of stuff on the ranch. I'm going to skip to epilogue part 2.

In this part of the epilogue, you help Sadie do more bounty hunting because you started helping her in epilogue part 1. Also, you buy a ranch in this part down in Blackwater. While getting a loan, when you leave, you see Uncle. Uncle "helps" you with the ranch. You and Uncle go to Saint Denis to find Charles. he is prize-fighting down there. When you meet him, you have to kill some men and escape Saint Denis. When you get back to your ranch, Beecher's hope, Charles helps you the most. Eventually you will finish building the house and you, Sadie, and Charles go to Mt. Hagen to kill Micah. When you get up there, Micah puts a gun up to Sadie's head and Dutch is aiming his gun at you. Eventually, Dutch will shoot Micah and you have to finish Micah off until he's dead. You go inside their hideout and take the money and the game is over.

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