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The Story of Atlantis By: Isaac Crumrine

Many people have heard the tale of the Atlantis. It is acclaimed The Lost City of Atlantis, and many people have spent their lives declassifying the myth. The philosopher Plato wrote about a lost continent in the volume Timeaus, claiming that the island lay past the Pillars of Hercules. These specific pillars lead to the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Ignatius Donnelly, a lawyer who wrote a book about Atlantis, believes that Atlantis was flooded by the same flood that Noah had to deal with in the Genesis. He believes that the island was massive, but not stable and sunk during the Black Sea Flood.

Atlantis has been disputed for centuries if it was a real island. Many people believe it wasn't, and that Plato created it to satisfy his imagination. Some believe that this island was real, and the government knows exactly where it is. On Google Earth, grid lines represent streets and land forms. One day, many users saw something out of the ordinary. These grid lines showed up in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Many people believed that it was the Lost Continent of Atlantis. The government assured people that it was not, but people began to believe less and less the government said. They started to see more of these oddities, and the government kept saying it was a mistake. The group that believes Atlantis is growing every day.

The only evidence of Atlantis ever existing is Plato's volume Timeaus. No one has ever found Atlantis or any factual evidence that Atlantis really exists. Mark Adams is an author that has spent most of his time uncovering the truth behind myths. He believes that there was an actual advanced island continent like Atlantis. There are a few coincidences that have happened. Plato claimed a metal called orichalcum was found in the city of Atlantis, and it was found in a shipwreck off the coast of Italy. This enigma has a unique story and it is up to the reader to decide for themselves. Do you believe in a underwater city with advanced technology like ours, or do you think it is all fake?

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