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The origins of basketball: Louis

Basketball was invented in 1891 by a guy named James Naismith in Springfield, Massachusetts. He designed the idea in a cold winter when his college students wanted to exercise but they couldn't go out on the track since it was too cold. he used peach baskets as the hoops and when they would score, they would have a guy retrieve the ball out of the basket by using a ladder. The first game was played on December 21, 1891 and it had 9 people vs 9 people. They were originally going to call it, Naismith Game, but Naismith figured since they had a basket and a ball, he named it basketball. The first basketball game, the team won 1-0. Only in 1906 were metal hoops, nets and backboards introduced. Earlier the soccer ball was replaced by a Spalding ball, similar to the one used today. Now they have Plexiglas backboards and carbon steel rims.

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