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The Moon Landing Was FAKE!!!!! By: Katelyn Truesdale

There are 5 main reasons that me and other people think that the moon landing was fake.

The Waving Flag:

One of the reasons that people think that the moon landing was fake

because the flag was waving when there is no atmosphere and no wind in space or on the moon. Photos of the landing also seem to show rippling in a breeze, such as the image above which clearly shows a fold in the flag. The obvious problem here is that there’s no air in the moon’s atmosphere, and therefore no wind to cause the flag to blow. Other explanations involve the ripples caused by the reaction force of the astronauts touching the aluminum pole, which is shown to shake in the video footage.

Impact Crater:

On the videos of the landing there was no craters when they landed which

makes it seem as if they just placed it down there. The surface of the moon itself is solid rock, so a blast crater wouldn't be easy on a set because an airplane doesn’t leave a crater when it touches down on a concrete airstrip. The surface of the moon is covered in fine lunar dust, and even this doesn’t seem to have been displaced in photographic evidence.

Multiple Light Sources:

You would think if you were on the moon there would be one light source

the Sun. So we can all agree that the shadows would be facing the same direction. But in this picture it seems that the shadows are all facing a different direction. Conspiracy theorists have said that it had to be token on a set. NASA has attempted to blame uneven landscape on the strange shadows, with subtle bumps and hills on the moon’s surface causing the conflict.

Lack Of Stars:

There are no clouds on the moon, so the stars should always be visible and significantly brighter than what we see through the filter of Earth’s

atmosphere. The argument here is that NASA would have found it impossible to map out the exact locations of all stars for the trick without being messed up, and therefore left them out intentionally falling back on an excuse that the quality of the photographs washes them out. Some photographs are high quality, however and still no stars are shown. Considering you can take pictures of stars from Earth in much lower quality and still see them.

The Duplicate Backdrop:

The two photos from the Apollo 15 mission in the picture have identical

backdrops, despite being officially listed by NASA as having been taken miles apart. One of the pictures shows the spacecraft and the other doesn't even when all the pictures where taken when the spacecraft was already landed. So why do they still have the same backdrop? It may seem viable that NASA simply used the same backdrop when filming different scenes of their moon landing videos. NASA has suggested that since the moon is much smaller than the Earth, horizons can appear lot's closer to the human eye.

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