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The Miracle Season

By:Mia Capranica

The movie Miracle Season is a true story about a girl who was in high school and played volleyball. It was game day, the team caption Caroline Founds rallied the girls up and gave them the team spirit. Coach Helen chose her because she's always positive and so strong. Caroline's mother is in the hospital with cancer and is fighting. But one night after Caroline's volleyball game she went to go see her mom and crashed her scooter. She hit a tree and instantly died, days later there was a funeral and her mom went and surprised everyone by walking. But days later her mom died so in the last week Caroline's dad had lost a daughter and a wife.

After Caroline died none of the girls wanted to play volleyball again but Ernie, Caroline's dad, convinced them to keep playing. It was very challenging for the girls; they lost a few games without Caroline. But then got the flow of winning again after the season was over they made it to the championships. Everyone from West High School came and watch the girl play because they wanted to win for Caroline. All the students wore these shirt with the saying "Live Like Line" they called Caroline "line" because she didn't like the nickname Carol. So they had all the students and parents wear shirts with the saying the girls played not only for Caroline but for their selves. After a long fight of a 2 games and then a tie breaker the West High girls volleyball team won the championships.

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