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The Long Dark By. Madison Hopper

There are different types of survival game modes that are Pilgrim, Voyageur, Stalker, Interloper, and Custom. While playing in one of the difficulty modes you're needs will slowly go down or fast the needs are Warmth, Fatigue, Hunger, and Thirst, to get the needs up you can, exposed to the elements is the main reason for loss of warmth and be countered by staying indoors, having good clothing, being near a fire, and by consuming certain hot foods and drinks. Fatigue constantly drains but can be replenished by sleeping or using certain items, Fatigue affects the ability to move, aim weapons. The characters hunger can be restored by eating calories, which comes from food and drinks. Thirst is a measure of how many liquids the player consumes and expends.

There are animals that can kill the player that are the Wolfs, Moose, and Bears, there are also passive animals which are deer, and a rabbit.

The behavior of these animals, the behavior of the rabbit are walking and fleeing their role is prey, the behavior of deer walking and fleeing their role is prey, the behavior of wolves are walking and running and varied behaviors their role is predator, the behavior of a bear is walking charging and fleeing their role is predator, the behavior of the moose is walking fleeing and charging the role is prey.The maps that you can play on are Broken Rail Road, Coastal Highway, Desolation Point, Forlorn Muskeg, Hushed River Valley, Mountain Town, Mystery Lake, Pleasant Valley, Timberwolf Mountain. There are some skills that the player will learn by reading books that will increase the survival skills like Archery, Carcass Harvesting, Cooking, Fire Starting, Ice Fishing, Mending, and Rifle Firearm.

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