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The History of Overwatch (Part 3) by Jade S.

From where we left off, Overwatch was disbanded. Gabriel, Morrison, and Ana was presumed dead. And everyone else went their own way. Today, we will finish the history!

First off, there was a mysterious person named Soldier: 76. He is known for taking down anyone that brought Overwatch down. He has been all over the world, but he was last seen in Dorado, Mexico. In Dorado, a new member of Talon lived there. Her name is Sombra. She is the hacker for Talon, since she can hack into government files and such.

Soldier: 76

There is another unknown person running about. Their name was Bastet. They were in Giza, when they heard some shouting. When they got there, they saw Soldier: 76. He was being attacked by the Talon member, Reaper. When Bastet got Reaper to the ground, they saw the face of him. Reaper was Gabriel Reyes, an original member of Overwtach. Bastet saw this, and was shocked. As Reaper left, Soldier: 76 went up to Bastet, and thanked her. Bastet took off her mask, and revealed her face. It was Ana Amari. And Soldier: 76? That, was Jack Morrison.

Ana taking her mask off

Finally, we have one new member to talk about. His name is Winston, and he is a genetically modified gorilla. Winston was one of the scientists at Overwatch, and he is the only one who lives in Watchpoint Gibraltar. He was sitting down one day, thinking if he should stat Overwatch back up again. Then, he hears a crash and hides from the visitors. Those visitors were soldiers for Talon. Winston then jumps out, and takes care of all the soldiers, but he is stopped by Reaper. Winston then blacked out.

As Winston realizes what's going on, he transforms into his primal rage. He took out Reaper, and initiated the recall. He contacted all members of Overwatch, and brought Overwatch back. We can all be heros, even if it is something small. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed this. Bye!

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