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The Hessdalen Lights By: Isaac Crumrine

There is a good chance that you do not know what the Hessdalen Lights are, unless you live in Norway. The Hessdalen Lights are a phenomena that happen in the Hessdalen Valley. These lights look like they are floating and some are known to be as large of cars. Many people believe that Hessdalen Valley is an UFO hot spot, and that is why these lights occur. Many scientists have tried to declassify these glowing orbs, but so far no one has figured it out. One scientist may have a theory that will explain it all.

Ostfold University scientist Erling Strand believes that these lights are caused by a natural electric source created by a metal source underground, with a river containing sulfur running through this hot spot. Before the lights are spotted, scientists reported that there was a small fluctuation in the magnetic power of the soil. This scientist believes that ionized gases, or a gas with an electron removed, combines with humid air to create these wonders of light. Some people believe him, but many still think that these lights are made up of ball lighting or the lights are made from plasma.

This is Ball Lightning. Many scientists believe this is the Hessdalen Lights.

These lights occur between 9 PM and 1 AM, and they are a regular thing for people who live there. There are many theories about these mysterious lights, and science can prove enough to prove all of them. After learning about these conspiracies, which one do you believe?

This is Plasma. This is also a theory of the Hessdalen Lights.

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