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The First True Vampire In Greek Mythology|By Aiden Morris

At first the young man was not a vampire he was a young italian man, named Ambrogio. The story involves him and his love, Selena. According to the myth, Ambrogio fell in love with Selena after visiting the legendary Oracle in the temple of Apollo, the sun god. He asked her to be his bride, but little did he know the jealous Apollo wanted her for his own.

Apollo cursed Ambrogio by causing his skin to burn at the sight of the sunlight. Afterwards in desperation, Ambrogio turned to Hades, the god of the underworld, and then Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, for help. After stealing Artemis's silver bow to full fill a deal made with Hades, Artemis cursed Ambrogio so that silver would burn his skin. She later took pity on him though and gave him super strength, immortality, and fangs to kill beasts to use their blood and write love poems to Selena. Eventually, the mortal Selena escaped Apollos grasp and reunited with the immortal Ambrogio. Later Artemis told Selena that she could become immortal by drinking Ambrogio's blood, which would kill her body but make her spirit live on. However their combined blood could then turn anyone who drank it into a vampire.

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