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The Best Summer Snacks According to Me BY: Bailey Johnson

Summer is my favorite season. One major thing that usually affects my decisions of my favorite season is the food. Summer has a great selection of foods, even with healthy options. These are my top go-to snacks for summer. My favorite healthy foods are watermelon, strawberries, fruit dip, homemade fruit pop sicle, Sonic real fruit slush, and cucumbers. Some unhealthy snacks that are amazing are BBQ Frito Twists, corn dogs, lemonade shake-ups, salt and vinegar chips. I pulled four random contestants to tell me their favorite healthy and unhealthy summer foods. For healthy food, they said granola yogurt, fruit, watermelon, and an Outshine Popsicle. For the unhealthy category, they said cheese curds, M&M Blizzard, snow-cones, and a cookie dough blizzard. . For drinks, they had a bunch of options. For healthy, iced tea, blueberry smoothie, and strawberry smoothies. For unhealthy, they said sweet tea, chocolate milkshake, Diet Pepsi, and a vanilla bean frappachino. All I can say is, summer snakcs are the best, nd I have their are a lot of opinoins on summer snacks.

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