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Thank You, Teachers By:Madeline Giberson

Over my 10 years of being in school, I have had some of the best teachers you could ever ask for. They have all helped me grow as a student and a person. From teaching me how to read and write to teaching me to how to solve two-step equations and making me write essays. They taught me that if you don't do good in school you won't be successful in life. All of my teachers push me hard each and everyday to make sure I do my very best. Each year in school I learn so many new things, but the most important lesson I have learned yet do'sent come out of a textbook. Hard work pays off. In the long run, the person who puts in the most sweat, energy, and time into working hard in life will be the most successful. Thank you to each and every teacher I have ever had. You all got me to where I am now. You have made a huge impact on my life. You guys will never be forgotten and always appreciated .

Thank You,

Madeline Giberson

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