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Star craft, by RUDY

Star Craft is a game under the strategy genre. In it, you can play as the humans, Zerg or the Protoss.


In order to play the game, you need a list of things (that i like to call the 3 B's):

1. A Bomb (in game)

2. A Base (in game)

3. A Barracks (in game)

lets start at number 2, which is the most important. the base.

The base is where all of your resources are gathered, and where your defence begins. At the base, you can make SCV's (Space Construction Vehicles) that collect minerals and vespene gas to make buildings and troops. The troops are made in the next building, the barracks

This building is the second-most important, because it can make troops that attack the enemy and protect the base. There isn't really any thing else it does, but without it, you would lose every match you ever play. It also produces the things that do number one, the Bomb

Ok, its actual name is the ghost, but it can carry a targeting device for the bomb. It can also turn invisible and take down any base single-handedly, as long as there are a lot of them.

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