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Sports Scout:Madeline Giberson

Updated: May 20, 2019

When I grow up I want to either be a Sports Scout or a Sports Trainer. Today I am going to inform you on Sport Scouts.

What Is A Sports Scout?

A Sports Scout is an employee of a sports organization, that recruits players for the team they work for. They collect statistics involving that player. If that team is interested in a player, scouts are sent to watch them in a game, practice, or combine. They then report back to the coaches and tell them what they thought about the player. Scouts look at the players stats, teamwork, problem solving skills, and their work ethic.


The average salary for a scout is around $40,050. But it depends on the team you work for. Professional teams would pay more than a college team. If your team is successful your salary will be higher. You always want to make sure you do your very best at this job,because your decisions can make or break a team.


To become a scout you must have knowledge of the sport your scouting for. You might want to coach before starting a career in scouting, so you know what to look for. Some schools or organizations might require you to have a bachelors degree.

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