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Should Football be Banned from High Schools? By: Bradley Armstrong

Randall Curren and Jason Blokhuis say, "More than one million high school students participate in tackle football programs at their schools, during which they each sustain hundreds of violent blows to the head over the course of a season." Do you think that high school football should be banned? I think that it should be banned because many of the students that play football in high school experience many head injuries that can affect their school life. As stated in the text, "According to our analysis, the cumulative effect of rattling this many brains this many times is that each year roughly 264,000 high school students suffer traumatic brain injury and cognitive impairment that diminishes their ability to think, learn and succeed in school." This shows me that when students get head injuries from playing football, it can affect their learning.

Some people that say that high school football shouldn't be banned, instead they say that it is perfectly safe because the players wear helmets. But, helmets don't protect the brain from hitting the school. As stated in the text, "Helmets help to prevent skull fractures, but they do nothing to stop the brain from smashing into the skull each time a player collides with another player or the ground." This shows me that helmets do not protect the brain from getting injured. Even some professional players and even some schools think that the risk of playing the game is not worth the reward. As stated in the text, "As clinical evidence of the risks associated with playing tackle football mounts, professional players and sportscasters have begun to abandon the game. Notably, former NFL linebacker Joshua Perry retired this year after just two seasons, citing concerns over his mounting number of concussions. Some school districts — such as the districts of Maplewood, Missouri, and Marshall, Texas — have even begun reducing or canceling tackle football programs." This shows me that many people think that football is a very dangerous sport and is not worth the amount of injuries that it causes. Football should be banned from high schools because many students have gotten injuries from playing the sport.

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