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Should All Kids Have to Attend Pre-K BY: BAILEY JOHNSON

It's one of a parent's hardest decision: school for their kids. Should kids have to attend Pre-K? I think kids should have to take a Pre-K course because they will learn basic skills for when you do actually have to learn in Kindergarten. Some

valuable things to learn in Pre-K are social skills, listening skills, manners, behavior, and many other things. If your child does not go to Pre-K, kindergarten can be a hard transition, especially waking up early and getting in a routine. In most public schools, it's free if you qualify. In a private school, it can cost $3,000-$18,000. From my experience, Pre-K I got to meet some of my friends that I am still

friends today, and my two-year term was the best. It actually prepared me for regular school because I realized that their isn't always going to be snack and nap time like daycare. According to Inspired Mama Pre-K can connect other skills to things you will learn in the future like shapes, colors, cutting, letters, and numerous other

things. Schools can also use the money (if you paid) to make the school a better place for the future.

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