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Sea Turtles

By:Grace Barnes

Sea turtles are one of my favorite animals. There are seven different kinds of sea turtles, one being the flatback, which only lives in Australia. The other six species of turtles are the leatherback, the green turtle, the hawksbill, the loggerhead, the Olive Ridley, and the Kemp's Ridley. Larger species of sea turtles can live up to 80 years of age. Most sea turtles undergo long migrations, some as far as 1400 miles. On average, sea turtles lay about 100 eggs at a time. Only about 1 in 1000 make it to adulthood.

Some common appetites of sea turtles are jellyfish, seaweed, crabs, shrimp, and sea snails. It is difficult to track the population of sea turtles because most males and juvenile turtles do not return back to the shore once they reach the ocean. They can live in about every ocean basin in the world. These reptiles spend all of their life in the water, except for when adult females come ashore to lay their eggs several times every 2 to 5 years. They have been on Earth for more than 100 million years. They can go to 70 cm across and weigh about Their weight can very from 50 to almost 400 pounds.

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