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Riverton Middle School fundraisers by:Halle Bitschenauer

Riverton middle school loves to help others and help their school. We just recently did an LLS fundraiser we almost raised 3,000 dollars to help find a cure for the horrible disease. Grade 5,6,7th are currently doing a fundraiser for our school. Riverton also gives really good prizes for raising money. They always encourage us to at least give a penny cause it does count. They have little companions to raise money most involving the teachers. We had to pay money to vote who kissed a pig. If you brought a dollar you get a piece of tape to help tape Mr. Polanin to the wall. Rivertons fundraisers benefit the schools a lot. They get new uniforms for the sports teams, get new text books and new gym equipment. When our Riverton hears that they have a chance to help other that are in need they do they will do what ever is in their power to help out. Riverton middle school students are very involved.

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