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Riverton Middle School

Updated: Feb 19, 2019

By: Mia Capranica

Do you think Riverton Middle School is good at sports? In my opinion, yes our school does have good sports. But there is always ways to improve, and it starts with the coaches. The coaches need to have the kids bond more and that might help out the communication to get to the ball. For example the eighth grade girls volleyball team at RMS communicate very well.

They can move the ball anywhere and that always helps them win. If our sports improve on communication and just get better technically we could have a better chance at winning. There are three coaches Staci, Carmen, and Tiffany. Stacey is the head coach and the 8th graders coach, Carmen is the 6th graders coach, and Tiffany is the 7th graders coach. They are all good coaches and have good bonds with the teammates. As you can see this is about the Riverton Middle Schools sports.

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