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Realm Royale By: Brayden Kelley

I think that Realm royale is a good game. This game is an online game were you can play with your friends or with random people. You win the game by having the last team alive. When you die you become a chicken and you revive after fifteen seconds even if your team is dead, but you can only be revived three times before dieing completely. If you become a chicken your opponent will try to finish you before you revive, so you have to dodge the bullets that they'er shooting at you. If you need to run away or get somewhere you can equip your horse but if you get shot while on your horse you will get kicked off the horse. The way you get weapons is by opening chests or by killing other players. You can heal by finding potions in crates where you'll find health and shield potions.

If you don't want to mount your horse you can find a catapult and launch yourself across the map. Instead of a rain/lightning storms this game has dust and sand storms that do more damage the longer the game is. There are four different classes that you can be, Mage, Hunter, Assassin, and Warrior. They each start out with their own ability, Mage-soar, Hunter-flying arrow, Assassin-blink, and Warrior-charge. In the game every named location has a forge, what a forge does is craft weapons, abilities, health potions, shield potions, runes, and revives. The downside about crafting is that you can only craft one of each item. The material you use for crafting is called shards and you get the by disenchanting items. The max amount of shards you can hold is 200.

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