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Rainbow Lorikeet

By: Mia Capranica

One of my favorite animals are Rainbow Lorikeet. Rainbow Lorikeet are these colorful birds that live in Australia. The birds eat nectar, fruits, berryies, blossoms and buds. Rainbow Lorikeet's can lay 2 to 3 small eggs that takes about 25 days to hatch. They live ten to twenty years and grow up to 25 to 30 centimeters. They can weight 75 to 157 grams.(about 5.5 oz.) They make there nests by chewing a whole in a hollow eucalypt tree.

Rainbow Lorikeet's color are red, blue, green, orange, yellow. The red is located beck. The blue is on the head and belly. The green part is on the wings, tail, and back. Also have a orange yellow breast. There colors are so bright because there easy to be spotted and they also don't talk like Parrots do. You can tell the different of the sex because male Lorikeet's are slightly larger and also the other way is by preforming a DNA test using droppings or feathers. Rainbow Lorikeet's can also make excellent pets there also great if you have any free time. As you can see here are some facts about Rainbow Lorikeet's.

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