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Pub G By: Brayden Kelley

Pub G is a battle royale game where you have to be the last to survive. There are more updates every month. Every time it updates a new item or new part of the map. You can decide when you want to jump off the plane onto the map and that's when you choose a spot to land and loot the spot that you landed at. When you land you need to find a gun or a melee weapon to fight with. You can also find armor that you can put on to protect yourself from a percentage of the damage you take depending on the armor tier. There are three tiers of helmets and bullet proof vests. You can put on attachments for you're guns like scopes, handles, muzzles, and magazines. Not every gun has the ability to have attachments to be put on it and some guns can't have all of them. While in the lobby you can put on gun skins, and new clothes. If you find a car in the game you can drive it if it isn't damaged or if it doesn't look blurry. You can choose to either play with random people or play with friends and the way to get friends is to meet new people or to search up their username and friend request them but they have to accept. You can also talk to other people over the game by turning on a setting called voice chat which allows you to talk to other people and hear them. If someone is using bad language or just annoying you have the ability to mute them which means that you won't be able to hear what they are saying. There are grenades, smoke bombs, Molotovs, and flash bangs. You can also heal if you took damage while in a match. The healing devises are bandages, painkiller pills, energy drinks, a first aid kit, and med kits.

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