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Pros And Cons Of Braces

By: Grace Barnes

I have braces. To some people, they are awesome. To me, they are the opposite of awesome. But there are some pros to having braces as well as cons. Over 4 millions people in the US alone have braces. It all depends on how messed up your teeth are to tell how long you have to have them. Treatments can last from 6 to 12 months to 4 to 5 years. But if you don't do the things to keep them clean, they will have to leave them on longer.

Pros of having braces are that you get your teeth straight. If you have one, you can get rid of your overbite or under bite. Another pro is that braces can help prevent gum disease and tooth decay. Braces can also help with digestion and prevent cavities. Braces can help you with speech improvements, too. Cons of having braces are that they are noticeable. During the procedure, your teeth won't hurt but maybe a little. Afterwards, they will hurt a lot. They can hurt for up to a week, then your mouth will get used to having them. Gradually, your teeth will shift. If you don't break any of the rules, they will come off sooner.

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