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Pit-Bulls Are Not Always Aggressive Animals|By Aiden Morris

Dogs attitude of humans depends on their owner. Pit-bulls are loyal pets and tend to protect their owner if they show them the love and affection they deserve. From my own personal experiences I believe pit-bulls are truly lovable, protective, and loyal dogs. In fact many pit-bulls are either seizure watch dogs, diabetic alert dogs, comfort nursing home residents or offer a plethora of services to humans.

It is not that pit-bulls are just naturally aggressive it is dependent on the owner themselves. Between dog fighting and the abuse these animals either rarely or many times receive it is expected for the animal that received the abuse to be aggressive or fairly hostile towards humans.

Because of this many expect that this animal is really aggressive when they see one. But that is not always the case. Pit-bulls in fact are very lovable and caring. Just like any other breed pit-bulls bite out of lack of socialization or lack of training from owner. In the end I think that the attitude of a pit-bull is dependent on how the owner treats the animal.

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