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Phones should be allowed at school by:Abby Judd

I think phones should be allowed at schools because parents can be in touch with their children. For example If a student forgot his homework or calculator on the day of a calculus test, he could call his parents and ask them to bring it to school without causing a scene. In more serious emergencies, like a school threat or shooting, cell phones could help students connect with worried parents. Another reason I think that the students should be allowed to bring cell phones is as long as they don't disrupt class or distract themselves and not pay attention due to the phone, if that happens the teachers can just confiscate it and tell that particular student that he/she may not be able to bring a cellphone to school. I think students should have the right of bringing a cellphone to school because its theirs. They have responsibility. if they don't cause trouble with it i think they should be allowed.

I think cell phones can be used as reminders. Students have have way more than one class in a day and they have a lot of assignments to finish,and get them on time. So I think its really important for students to have cell phones for reminders. Students can get reminder apps on their phones and that can help them know when to turn in homework, know when a test is coming up, and knowing when a teacher will be in the class.

I also think that phones can help parents monitor their children. Parents can get apps on their phones to track their children's location. This helps parents to know if their kid is at school or not.

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