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Okami, Ranking High On The Charts!

Updated: Feb 5, 2019

By Eliana Kleinkort

Many people have a Nintendo Switch or at least has heard of one. One of the new devices you're able to bring around wherever you go with portable joy-cons. The device has been stacked up on almost everyone's Christmas list last year, hoping to get the new games from it today. If you've looked up games for the switch, your eye may have caught a simplistic cover of a game called "Okami". People these days don't know what it exactly know what it is, making them unsure about it and simply ignoring it. Well I can help you to understand what exactly this game is!

1. Plot/Main Story Idea

The plot of the story, helping you understand what's happening and what you're supposed to pay attention to, is well written and illustrated with characters, game-play, and settings. Let me give you the run down, Okami's protagonist is a wolf, the goddess of the sun, Amaterasu, nicknamed Ammy. Ammy is waken from her slumber of 100 years once feeling the presence of evil come over the land and she and her bossy small bug friend, Issun, must defeat them. They meet many characters on the way along with challenges they must defeat to get to the next task. The genre is more of an adventure/action type of game-play that once you win you get prizes depending on your game-play - prizes that you can use once you start on a new game. And don't worry about restarting, in your new game you get to keep your currency you got from the last game and add on to it.

2. Characters/Interactions

Along your way you'll meet many characters, most of them asking you to do tasks and favors that has a ripple effect on the story-line. The goal is to talk to people to learn more about what your task is or just find lore towards the game. The characters are very easy to get attached to and fighting new monsters gives you a chance to use new battle strategies on each of them, each monster and character being different in their own way. I have to say, my favorite character is a small temporary character named Tobi that you only talk to and interact with for about 5 or 10 minutes. Tobi, even being a temporary character, got a full background story and when he died in order to let us finish the whole level which was vital to the game kinda made me tear up to be honest. It's just those simple interactions that make a big difference to both you and the game play!

3. The Background/Setting

May I just begin with how amazing the settings are? Every place is different with new characters and an overall theme. The place shown above is the main ocean/beach of Nippon. They used different color palettes throughout the game with their signature sketchy art style. You can smell the salty waters through the screen it seems as your character runs through the warm sands. It's just amazing how they implemented the feeling by just a simple look or theme.

And that's what I have about the game in plot, characters, and settings. I hope to see someone here play this fun RPG sometime soon and muse about it like I just did.

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