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Nike vs. Adidas-Which is better?

By: Grace Barnes

Which is better, Nike or Adidas? In my opinion, Nike is better. I think that Nike is better because that have the better and classic styles than Adidas does. Adidas is proven to be a little better because they are beating Nike in technology, style, and innovation. But it is still much smaller than Nike. Adidas brought in $5.3 billion compared to Nike's $15.2 billion in 2017 alone.

When you go to buy a new pair of shoes, you know what size you have to get. But when you shop at Adidas, there sizes are smaller than other brands, and Adidas is much more expensive than Nike. The average cost of a Nike sneaker is about $100, but Adidas's are $350. Nike also represents many sports like tennis, football, basketball, track and field, and volleyball. Therefore, Nike is a more popular brand because of style, fit, and innovation.

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