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My Favorite Teacher By:Marissa Johnson

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Lauber. She was my 4th grade teacher. I used to struggle with all my homework and get so mad but, then she would start to always help me with something I didn't understand and make it so much easier. She would always help me study and make sure I did my homework right. She would tell everyone that i'm a good kid and she can count on me to be good and help other people that need help when she can't help right then. She would make sure I got all my notes down before I would leave and would let me take her notes home if I need to. She would push me to try harder things so, that I can get to were I am right now. I think that everyone should look up to her because she you can always count on her to help you and make you better. I will always look up to her no matter what she has helped me tell now and I hope she can help me forever. She would help people solve there problems by helping them talk it out and would help make our school community a friendly place not people not wanting to come to school because they don't want to get bullied or because school stresses them out. She is also very very pretty, kind, calm, helpful, and much more. I wish that she could be my teacher forever because I didn't want to leave her class. That is why she is my favorite teacher and there is so much more that I can't explain in this little time or even in words.

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