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My Favorite Teacher By:Britney Grimes.

My favorite teacher is Mrs.Knisley because she helps with a lot of things. She is always there if you are struggling or anything. She is my favorite teacher because I can talk to her about anything that's on my mind. When I'm mad she lets me take breaks and go get a drink. She always helps if you are confused or anything. She is a good teacher and she understands how we act or how we're feeling. She is very nice and kind to people and even when a kid or someone is being rude to her she makes it a joke and it's really funny because she is always positive even when people are being negative around her. She is a good teacher and she knows how we act and stuff because she has kids of her own so she knows how to deal with us. She is the best person to talk to about how your feeling if your upset of mad. She is really good to talk to or to figure things out even if she does not have to even though she does. She is a very good teacher and she is caring and she is so nice to everyone even people who are mean to her.

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