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My 2 favorite teachers by Louis

Mr Wright and Mr Bertolino are my two favorite teachers. The reasons why I like them are they are funny and they are very nice and calm. They also don't get angry unless if there is a student that is being bad and they make sure they will get in trouble, unlike some other teachers who don't say anything. They also explain stuff really good and they will answer any questions to clear whatever we don't understand.

Mr Wright always makes sure we do our work, and he also does a very good job at teaching the work. He always tells us to put our work in a folder to make sure that we stay organized. When we are done with our work, also if we have enough time, he lets us play silentball which is also fun.

Mr Bertolino has us take notes so we can study for our tests. He reminds us to always study for the test. He lets us use our notes on tests, which makes it easier for us. He's very funny, which makes going to his class even more enjoyable.

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