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Leukemia & Lymphoma cancer ❤

Leukemia is a blood cancer.Leukemia has 5 stages. You have to go through treatment for a few year if your lucky only a few months. Leukemia usually starts in the bone marrow, how ever if those cancer cells decide they don't want to stay in the bone marrow than you have a high risk of getting sicker. 1,620 people in the United states die of cancer in a week, just a week and just in United states. I had leukemia when I was three but thankfully I got cured when I was nine. My doctor that cured me was doctor Brandt.Their is camp called camp coco I go their every year It is for St. johns hospital patients(kids)or patients that have been cured like me. You are their for one week they send you a list of things you will need to bring. You get to go zip lining, swimming, fishing, horse back riding . If you ever feel like you are alone you should deferentially come to camp coco I pretty sure their will be at least one person that gets you.

Lymphoma cancer has some simulates to leukemia . Non-Hodgkin is the most common, Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymph nodes and lymphatic system. Hodgkin is one of the most treatable cancers... if it is found early. Stage 1 or 2 are the stages that are most likely to get treated and the cancer will go away. But the other stages can also be treated and their is still a chance it will be cured. But this is only for the lymphoma outside of the lymph nodes not the inside. Their are only four stages of lymphoma cancer. But lymphoma can spread to the lungs witch is not the best but it is still treatable.

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