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Journalism, a Possible New Class Surpassing Reading and L.A?

By, Eliana Kleinkort

Children usually don't look forward to classes in school, proclaiming that they are boring and not vial for their future. Kids need to stay on task and learn what they need to in class, but why pay attention when it won't help them later on in life? This gives kids the false sense of hope that they're learning something useful in class and if they do, most don't see it as fun and as if they could base their future off of the subject. Well, an elective that is known to be in Riverton Middle School may be a reasonable option for schools around.


In every school there is a kid with a bad literacy, whether it's with bad reading or with bad language arts. A lot of these kids have this bad literacy because classes move together, not working with each child with separate goals they need to reach but as a group with no going back on things that may be easy for other kids but not for some. Journalism would be a good choice as a new subject for schools, which would help children earn enhanced spelling and being able to use literacy devices correctly. Even for children who don't have problems with typing, in Journalism they would have new challenges for those who are farther ahead than others.

Many adults look for schools for their children, thinking about the child's future, right? Well, if Journalism was added to a school it would be guaranteed to have more parents look into it rather than regular schools. In the future kids will be needing to write essays in college and even further in their future in their job they might to have to write even more. Let's face it, words are everywhere and without that knowledge of simple things such as spelling their future could go bad and jobs would be hard to get that require a sense of even simple literacy. Without knowing how to write would change their future for the worse, having to need to write every day.

What's the difference between Journalism and other normal classes such as Reading or Language Arts? Journalism doesn't focus on just reading or writing, it focuses on both. It mainly focuses on writing essays and paragraphs while also learning literacy devices such as personification. Instead of holding the two classes, Reading and Language Arts, it could be combined into this one. Every day children wouldn't be left behind and the children that are ahead would be giving challenges while others catch up.

To me this would be better for the school to combine the two subjects to make Journalism but that's just me, what do you think?

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