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How to Prevent Sports Injuries by Katelyn T.

There are 5 important ways to prevent a sports injury. One of the ways is to wear protective gear, like helmets, protective pads, and other gear. Also when you people are very hot they should cool down so they don't get a heart problem. You also should know the game rules so you don't do something wrong and hurt someone. The fourth one is to watch out for other players so you don't run into them and hurt yourself. The last one is when you are hurt you shouldn't play. Helmets are the most common protective gear. They protect your all important head while you're playing football, hockey, baseball, softball, biking, skateboarding, and inline skating are just some of them. Other sports require eye protection, mouth guards, pads, wrist, elbow, and knee guards. You should never just bolt on to a field or court you should always warm up before. When players know the rules of the game there are fewer injuries. Listening to your coach during a game also can help keep you safe. You be honest with parents and coaches if you've been hurt. See a doctor for your injuries, when necessary, and follow his or her advice about how and when to return to practice and play.

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