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By Eliana Kleinkort

Gorillaz is a well known band made in the late 1990's so it appears but are they truly an old band looking for attention or a popular hit of the late teens of 2000?

Gorillaz - a British alternative rock band - first appeared in 1998, with only one animator named Jamie Hewlett and one actual member named Damon Albarn. He made his first album in the Fall of 2000 called Tomorrow Comes Today which got some attention. However in 2001 when he let loose his rather surprising album, Clint Eastwood. This album got soo much positive attention with only its first song it made its way into the Guinness World Records as The Most Successful Viral Band! This did nothing but influence him to make more songs with the amazing animations, even today.

Not only did the songs get amazing views, as mentioned, Jamie Hewlett made animations along with them also gaining popularity. These animations included four characters, taking place as the band and shown singing and playing. They've became one of the most known characters in animated bands, with the lead singer being 2-D and the other three band members being Russel, Murdoc, and Noodle (Shown Below).

(Left to Right) Noddle, 2-D, Russel, and Murdoc's looks in the animated song, Saturnz Barz.

Although most of their songs are known for their rather confusing and mysterious echoey songs some of their music are rather preppy or even calming. Gorillaz seem to shock their viewers with their new songs, one of those surprising songs being one of their most popular hits, Clint Eastwood.

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