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Gaming Gains by: Kayson E.

The wonderful world of video games. The try-hard people ruining the game for everyone and the new toxic players getting mad because of fall damage also ruining the game for everyone. So with that being said how could video games be good for people? Well there are certain ones that can be helpful with social skills and dealing with problems that the video game world can help with. First off they can help you earn social skills for team sports and stuff. It can also help with social anxiety.

With video games there are some that allow voice chat to talk to your team about a strategy or possible you are just wanting to have a pleasant conversation! Whatever the reason is it can help kids or adults with social interaction. You could learn how to talk with your group in a competitive sport like football or basketball. And I don't even have mention the fact that you could lose your social anxiety! Like I said before you could be having a pleasant conversation with other people! So not only could you make friends but it could help with social anxiety. Now how does this apply to the real world? Well I'll tell you!

If you are in a competitive sport and before you did not know what to say like a new strategy possibly then you might know what to do. And you may even be able to start conversations better! So that is why I believe gaming can be good for you and possibly get you out of tough situations.

So how do video games help you with mental health? Well everyone says that violent games make violent children. First off NOT TRUE! And second off NOT TRUE! A child is violent from how they are raised. If a child is abused at home and plays a violent game they may start to be more violent. But a child that is raised properly and starts to play violent video games they may be more reasonable to it and not be violent. You notice the difference there? Bad upbringing violent behavior good upbringing good behavior. So there you have it! Why video games can be good for you!

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