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Dress Codes Shouldn't Be Allowed by: Brooklyn Howard

There shouldn't be dress codes in schools or anywhere. People should be able to express their selves! Every one has their own style. The clothes they wear, or the way they wear their hair is a way to expres that but with dress codes that privilege is taken away. Also, without dress codes, you can keep up with the latest fashions or styles. Sometimes, they make you miss class because you didn’t have the right shoes or right sweater. “Dress coded” is what happens when a school administrator or teacher issues someone a dress code violation.

You might notice all dress codes are aimed towards the girls. I don't get why if your parents allows you to wear it why can't the people at the school accept it. If your parent buys it, then I think you should be able to wear it. Also because I think dress codes are over-sexualized because you rarely see boys get dress coded.

Also if you have a uniform they can come in very boring colors. School dress codes are outdated. They don’t keep up with how kids dress in today’s society. Not everybody has the money to just go out and buy dress code/uniform clothing. Every student must feel comfortable with what he/she is wearing. A girl should not have to go around thinking she can’t wear tight pants or have her shoulders exposed because it “gives her thighs and shoulders a sexual value." People will always torment and distract one another no matter what they wear.

My school has a dress code for no ripped jeans, literally that's like the only thing you can find in stores anymore.

You need to have some kind of a dress code so that you don’t have people walking around naked. However if you have a dress code this strict (mostly against girls) it teaches people (mostly boys) that it is okay to sexualize the human body.

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